I am a Senior Research Scientist at the Institute for Software Integrated Systems at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN, researching data and artificial intelligence applications to transportation systems. Take a look at my biography, research, or blog and email me to get in touch.
I-24 MOTION was honored with the Project of Significance Award from ITS Tennessee at their annual meeting in Memphis. I accepted the award along with the other project partners and presented on it to the conference. I-24 MOTION fits into the I-24 Smart Corridor (a project in which I am also involved) and will help optimize the integrated corridor management function of the roadway.
I presented I-24 MOTION at the Southern District Institute of Transportation Engineers Annual Meeting in Savannah, Georgia, with a poster and lectern presentation. The project was also presented with a Special Project Award for its innovation in the field of tranpsortation engineering.
A recent interview with Will for KNX radio, Los Angeles, discussed the potential of fighting phantom traffic jams with cruise control technologies powered by articifial intelligence. This concept was on full display during the recent CIRCLES experiment in Nashville. The interview can be found at KNX News On Demand.
Months of preparation and development culminated in the week-long CIRCLES experiment on I-24 in Nashville. Thousands of hours went into equipping 100 vehicles with actuation and instrumentation hardware for running specially modified adaptive cruise control technology, designed to fight stop-and-go traffic (also known as phantom traffic jams); recruiting and training drivers on these technologies and experimental protocol; and coordinating a safe field headquarters where around 300 people came and went and the experiment was run.
This was also the debut of the fully-constructed I-24 MOTION testbed. The testbed was designed for general traffic observation and data collection, as well as targeted experiments like CIRCLES that need a full picture of the roadway to understand the many aspects of traffic.
Will Barbour and Lee Smith (TDOT) presented during a connected and automated vehicles webinar hosted by The Eastern Transportation Coalition. They discussed the I-24 MOTION testbed and its implications for CAV and human driver trajectory data. Terabytes worth of anonymized trajectory data will start being produced by the testbed, which can then be used by state DOT’s, universities, and industry for CAV and other transportation studies. Watch their presentation below or on YouTube.